Rethinking shipping footprints

With more than 100 billion new garments being produced and transported around the world every year, carbon emissions along the whole supply chain add up to a staggering 10% of the earth's total CO2 production.

We teamed up with UPS, our partner of seven-plus years for the Redress Design Award, to highlight the environmental costs of fashion packaging and shipping in our latest educational video to join our Redress Academy – our free-access multilingual online resource with in-depth content on circular fashion design topics. The video explores more sustainable solutions for bringing fashion products direct to consumers including carbon neutral shipping from UPS, who offset carbon emissions via investments in emission reducing projects across the world.

“With much of the world’s production and distribution coming out of Asia, there is an opportunity for us to make an immense difference at a small cost to business through this last retail stage of the online fashion supply chain,” shares Nicki Taylor, Marketing Growth Strategy Director, UPS EMEA Region. “We are thrilled to have supported Redress in bringing essential educational content to emerging fashion professionals.”

UPS supports the Redress Design Award with carbon neutral shipping to ensure the safe delivery of our finalists and alumni garments to Hong Kong for our Grand Final Week events. Meet our latest group of talented finalists here.